Structural Equity and Bias Response Team

The Structural Equity and Bias Response Team's (BRT) role is to identify and collaboratively coordinate caring, prompt, and effective responses to bias incidents to (1) support Western students, staff, and faculty who are targeted or impacted by these incidents and (2) educate the Western community about impacts and histories of such bias and actions to prevent future similar acts. The BRT also educates the university community about how to notify BRT of bias incidents.

Report a bias incident to the BRT

The BRT does not replace or supersede existing processes through the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance, Student Conduct, or University Police to investigate alleged violations of university policy or civil rights or criminal law. People may choose to notify the BRT of an incident and also report to University Police and/or the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance. The BRT’s role is one of support and education; the BRT does not impose discipline or sanctions.